Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these’ (Mark 10:14)
Church is the family of God, and at Willoughby Park we have a special emphasis on children and youth. We provide quality programs so that children might grow up to know the love of God, love him with all their heart, and love others as themselves.


Singing, movement, stories and craft for 2-5yo with their carers.
9.45am Wednesdays in school term time
$10 per session (morning tea and craft included) or $75 for the 9 week term.
Contact Jen Meek for more information

For kids in school years kindergarten to year 5
Friday afternoons 3.30pm - 5pm in school term
Fun, Food, Friends and Jesus
$5 per week
Contact Susie Wright for more information

Our main children’s and youth program is run during our 9:30am Willoughby Park service.
We have three groups:
Explorers (Walkers to Kindy)
Sparks (Year 1 to Year 5)
Engage (Year 6 to Year 9)
All our leaders are Safe Ministry trained and hold a Working with Children Check number (WWCC).
Our youth ministry Base Camp is targeted at young people in years 6-12 at school. We meet at Willoughby Park Church on Friday nights at 6pm for dinner, followed by a program full of games, fun and friendship, and learning about Jesus, finishing at 8pm.
For more details, contact Mike Snowdon